In all the discussions and deliberations that I have engaged in over the few years in living within the constraints of the Constitution of the United Kingdom, I have today come to realise that Security is the guardian of democracy. One must in that way alone have a policing State such as we have in this country. It was not always the case when I stumbled into material injustices that the State condoned against the University of Greenwich that dismantled my scientific career from what I perceive still to have been envy against a foreigner whose father had since his early childhood spoken to his children about the greatness of the British State.
The Policiing has to be regulated, no doubt about that. And the United Kingdom provides the individual seeking the truth to go about his lawful libertarian spirit to live a productive life fulfilling all his or her dreams such as we see the Olympian athletes attain in Tokyo during the past fortnight. Independent Journalism regulates the Policing. And while my Blog and were banned by the State, my following websites where I continued with my social media journalism were left alone and the 7 Books that I have published of life in the United Kingdom are now distributed without any restrictions.
I was seeking material justice and there was none to be sought. For I had not cooperated with the University of Greenwich deciding that it was a kangaroo court and I was better off outside the restrictions being imposed on me and my libertarianism by the University. I was always a free human being and I have paid the price for that in twice being incarcerated in a mental hospital (2004, 2008) and very recently been deemed to have taken the Prime Minister in a civil litigation to try and make him accountable to his actions. This the Court decided was wrong and I had to pay the Costs of the Cabinet Office amounting to £4170, which was the final determinant of the Constitution of the United Kingdom. It would be foolhardy of me to seek to Appeal any further than just simply clarify the reasons behind how I acted during these years. And as seems clear, The Court of Central London will no provide full written reasons for its decision, and neither will the Police on the activities of the Security Services who had sent me and my associates 1000+ criminal anonymous emails to try and trap me into a Pre-Trial procedure of the Court to administer even more stringent punishment on me for my transgressions. The Constitution thereby remains unwritten. This is the essential finding of all my truth search over the past 25 years, and I thank God that I have survived to realise what is right and what is wrong actions on the part of a citizen of the State that one lives under.
They said the East is East and West is West and Never the Twain shall meet. This I have proven to be erroneous. A Hindu has made East and West meet as all my websites are in tact in the discovery that while the United Kingdom is a Security State, it fosters independent journalism and so is a very open society; full credit to Her Majesty the Queen in the intelligent manner through which she has discharged her duties.
This is a story where East met West and West met East through compromise, for Christianity and Hinduism are entirely different in conception, the former being sattvic guna-based and the latter being rajasic guna-based. We ended up in my particular case somewhere in the middle as I write this post at 7.33 am on the 9th of August 2021 awaiting my job interview at Tesco Meopham, Kent, at 12.00 noon today, for the final report on this saga.